Avoid these mistakes when Selling Grand Junction Real Estate

Look around the Internet and you’ll find a seemingly endless array of articles advising you about what you must or should do when selling a home or property. However, what about the need for cautionary tales? In other words, what should you NOT do when selling Grand Junction real estate? 

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A real estate expert from Forbes magazine offered some very good advice when she gave the three following things not to do when selling your Grand Junction real estate:

Don’t get emotional – Yes, it is your home or property but to the many potential buyers and real estate agents who come and go through the home, it is just another property. When you get defensive or emotional about any comments they make, you are missing an opportunity to improve your situation. If possible buyers all wrinkle their nose at the kitchen sink or the extra bathroom, accept the “criticism” and make the changes! It will help you to sell the Grand Junction real estate.

Keeping yourself present – We don’t mean that you should not be on the premises when the house is being shown (though it can make your life easier to simply leave for a while if you still live in the home). What we mean is that you have to present the home or property as full of possibilities to the buyers, and that can’t happen when your wall art, collections, and décor floods every space. Let buyers envision the property as their own and it is more likely to sell.

Having unimportant deal breakers – A lot of real estate pros talk about the many botched sales that happen when the seller won’t budge on a trivial issue. As an example, the buyers want the antique mantel – unless it is an heirloom – don’t lose the sale over it.

Avoid these behaviors and you will have no trouble selling your property!  Contact me for more great info or for a FREE Home Value Report. 

Works Cited

Ashford, Kate. The 8 Top Home Selling Mistakes You Should Avoid. Forbes. 2013. http://www.forbes.com/sites/learnvest/2013/03/12/the-8-top-home-selling-mistakes-you-should-avoid/

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